August 19, 2012

5 Things I Miss About Summer Linky

Nancy at Joy of Kindergarten is hosting an awesome linky party--5 Things I miss about summer!!

Although I still have 15 days before I officially report back to work, there are many things I'm going to miss about summer.

1. A cleaner house--I find myself cleaning...a lot! I finally got my office in order after it being a catch all for all my school stuff for over a year!! I was bad. I'm typing this while sitting at my desk :o) It's a beautiful thing!!

2. Folded laundry--and put away! I've been keeping the laundry pile down and the clean piles are folded and put away shortly after they are taken out of the dryer. I love being able to find my favorite more searching through baskets :)

3. Staying up late--I get so much done in the wee hours! It's so quiet :o) I love it!

4. Quality time with the babies--my almost two year olds are growing so fast and are at an age where they can be super adorable.  I love hearing them me, to each other, or to any toy that vaguely resembles a phone--it's too cute!!

5. No papers to grade! I am dreading all the papers, especially since I have 26 kiddos so far on register. The comments are the worst! I know they are valuable and necessary, but they are so time consuming. I am not looking forward to that!

What are you going to miss this summer?


  1. Wow! Im jealous! We have been back at school for 3 weeks now! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
    Flying Into First Grade

    1. Hi Latoya!
      Wow...3 weeks! When did you get out?

      My last day was June 27th...ick! I'd much rather get out of school in May :)


  2. I will miss staying up late too--especially late nights staying up late to finish a good book!! :) Thanks for the kind wishes on my post!
