September 2, 2012

New Product and a Giveaway!!

This year is going to be filled with Common Core and new expectations and tons of stress because, once again, I have to adapt and tweak a new curriculum. I've taught 4th grade many, many times, but this time I have to move away from so many things I love. I'm not quite ready to let go of balanced literacy and parts of Everyday Math, so like any good teacher, I have to make it my own.

I started with was just easier for me! (Funny coming from a person who has a strong literacy background!)

So I took the first standard 4.NBT.1(Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. (For example, recognize that 700/70=10 by applying multiplication and division) and broke it down into 7 teaching points.

For each teaching point, I wrote:

1) Problem of the Day
2. Practice Problems and Short Responses
3) Exit Slips

4) Homework that has some word problems and short responses

5) Answer Keys for everything!!

This is the homework example (and I even wrote out sample responses for the short answers!)

You can get this HERE!

If you click on Preview, you can download some of these documents to try FREE!! 

Just a reminder my giveaway for a $25 Amazon Gift Card and assorted book bundles ends in 2 days! If you haven't checked it out yet, check it out HERE!

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