March 26, 2013

Tried it Tuesday Linky

Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper is hosting her first ever linky party--Tried it Tuesday!

What is 'Tried It Tuesday'?
1.  Write a post about any"thing" you have...TRIED!
2.  Describe what worked and maybe what didn't work.
3.  Keep it simple and focus on one general topic. 
You can link another idea next week:)
4.  Link your post back to this post.
"Tried It" Ideas....
  • instructional strategy
  • teaching product/resource
  • management strategy
  • technology tool
  • recipe at home
  • personal interest/hobby
  • website 
My Tried it Tuesday: Partial Quotients Division
So...we are in a mad rush to try and teach a lot of the concepts the students need for our state test--division being one of them!

With any new concept, I give the students a teaching point and model how to use the strategy (that is the first part of my chart). I give the students a new problem to try and I coach them through it (this is when we write the steps to the algorithm). Finally, the third problem is independent. 
                  ***all of this is done in the meeting area with students copying the notes into their mathematician's notebook***

Here's the charts for partial quotients using a 2 digit dividend and a 1 digit divisor:

I always have  something for the students to do after the lesson. In some cases, it's a few problems from the workbook. Usually, it's a fun activity that the students can do independently!

During the independent activity, I keep students with me who still need help with the concept. (A word of caution...the kids in your group will usually be the same with the exception of some higher functioning kids who need a little bit more attention! I don't do this all the time because I need to meet with everyone, but I really needed them to master this skill.)

One independent activity my students tried was my Springing into Division Pack: 
The ones who felt confident dividing worked in groups using this pack. While I worked with my friends, we used the task card problems and solved them on slates.
I taught them to write out the multiples of 10 or 100 while multiplying it by the divisor. It makes it a lot easier, especially if they aren't fluent in their multiplication 

We worked on checking our work using an inverse operation, which in this case is multiplication. The students have been working on multiplying using an area model.

 The students transferred their work from the slate onto their recording sheet. 

 Here's an example of one of my independent workers---he did all his work on the recording sheet. 
**The pictures in this post were taken over multiple days--the division pack also covers 3 digit dividends by 1 digit divisors.**
Overall, for the amount of time spent working on division (about 7 school days), the majority of the students understand how to divide using partial quotients. Now onto the next concept...

As a special thank you for reading, I'm offering 15% off the Springing into Division Pack for today and tomorrow :)


  1. I'm working on changing the way I teach math to a more "workshop" approach. I like how you have all the kids start with you-and then branch off. Thanks for sharing! I'm a new follower.
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

    1. Hi Bethany!
      It took me a long time to feel comfortable teaching math in a workshop model. Baby steps :)Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Hi Jen! I really enjoyed reading your post. I am thinking of restructuring my math block to something like this with a whole group lesson and then intervention groups. I was wondering how big your intervention groups typically are and if you have time to meet with more than one group.

    I am off to check out your springing into division pack! Thank you so much linking up:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. This sounds like a fantastic way to teach math! Thanks for sharing it!

    Third Grade All Stars

    1. At times, it's a lot of work! But totally worth it in the long run :)

  4. We're struggling to fit it all in time too! We're starting division next week, and I'm a big fan of partial quotients. I teach multiplication using the area model, which is very similar and I think it really helps the kids understand what is happening better than the basic algorithm.

    I'm your newest follower btw!

    Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason

    1. I love the area model too! I love how the area model, the distributive property, and partial quotients really focus on place value. We have really dug deep into place value this year--I hope it sticks with them when they get to 5th :)

  5. Hi Jen:
    First, if I had printing like yours, my lessons would not be interrupted by kids yelling, "What does that say?"or "Is that an 8 or a 6?" Beautiful!!!
    Second, if every teacher went out of their way to make long division so "accessible," kids would feel so much better about doing math.
    I'm sure your positive and upbeat style made them feel successful--even about TRYING the work.
    Good for you!
    I'm so inspired.

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade

    1. Thank you Kim! You totally just filled my bucket :)

  6. I love this strategy for long division! The traditional algorithm is just too much for most of my 4th graders. I love how this reinforces multiplication facts, too.

    I like your approach to teaching a new strategy. I will be incorporating this idea into my math block.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Dawn!
      Let me know how this strategy works for you and your students :) It takes a little getting used to (for both the teacher and the students!), but once you get the hang of it, it's kind of like a game!

      Thanks for stopping by :)
