May 7, 2013

Tried it Tuesday and a SALE!

I'm linking up with Holly at Fourth Grade Flipper for another

Now that our state tests are over, I can honestly say that my brain is in vacation mode! I can totally sympathize with the kids and their want to have fun (haha--dare I say that! Fun in school?!?! haha)

So to add a little excitement in my room--I've devised an addition to my behavior management plan because we all know that the last month of school is one of the hardest parts of the school year! It's a raffle system, which is used to reward students for completing their all their homework. (It could also be used to reward great behavior--if you chose :)

I give students the raffle tickets and they fold them up and place them in our raffle jar (I call it a chance can!)

Since it's the end of the year, I pull the raffle tickets a bit more frequently than if I were to do this during the year. (Next year, I want to use it on a monthly basis--one month's worth of raffle tickets, pull the tickets at the end of the month, then discard all unused tickets and start over for the next month. Just a thought!)

The prize...homework passes! The kids love them and so do I!!
Here's a little treat...
Click here to get your freebie!
a little freebie for all my readers! Thank you for all you do! You all truly inspire me to be a better teacher and blogger!

Don't forget that Teachers Pay Teachers is having a huge Teacher Appreciation Sale...
Enjoy 20% off my store today and tomorrow!

Teachers Notebook is also having great sales and giveaways at their site...

Teachers Notebook is offering an additional 10% off all sale products for the entire week--my shop is on sale for 20% off until May 10th :)

Have a wonderful week and happy shopping!!


  1. Hi Jen~ I absolutely love owls and this idea so it's perfect for me. :). Thanks for sharing. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. What a fantastic freebie. I used to use a system like this in my class and may just need to go back to this (since I have an awesome freebie) for the last few weeks.

  3. What a great idea! Thanks for the freebie. :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  4. Yay!! Owls are my theme so this works perfectly!! Thanks so much for the freebie!

    Collaboration Cuties

  5. I really love how you changed up a management strategy to finish out the year! Thank you SO much for the freebie! It is OWLS!! Wahoo:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Jen,
    I just found you through google+. I can't wait to read more on your blog! Lots of great ideas here :)
    Thanks for sharing this motivational freebie!
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

  8. Hi Jen!
    How do you create the owl raffle tickets so that there is no waste and can simply be cute with a paper cutter? I love your great ideas!

    1. Hi! I use my printer settings and I click "fit to page"which narrows down the margins a bit more. I tried to make them use as little paper as possible. I hope that helps :)
