June 25, 2013

The end is near--and a gift!

I'm not talking about Google Reader (though it is ending soon...you may want to see tomorrow's post for a surprise :)

---there is only 1/2 a day left for students...I have to stay the whole day, but I'm okay with that! On one hand, I'm sad to see this group go, but on the other hand, I've been dreaming of vacation since June 1st!!

I made them a little something...
I took owl accents from Oriental Trading and cut slits into each wing and wrote my little saying. Then I inserted an owl pencil (also from Oriental Trading). Voila--short and simple :) 

Any other late June enders? Please tell me I'm not the only one!


  1. I just got out yesterday so I know how you feel! I hope your last day is a great one! :-)


    Get out of school already! It's almost July! Goodness! Time for a little vacation time for YOU!
    Sorry for so many exclamation marks, but I didn't realize they were still holding you captive.
    I am sending you sunny thoughts of freedom and relaxation... At this point you REALLY deserve it...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
