August 18, 2014

Raffle Rewards

     I really hate self promotion, but I have to tell you that I am over the moon about this new product! I really am so excited to introduce these in my room!

     As you know, I'm teaching in a departmentalized ELA room next year and to be honest, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I sincerely love all the comments and emails about what it's like in a departmentalized setting and I appreciate all the advice.

     But there are still some things I'm unsure classroom management and parent communication for 60+ students. For years, I've used a classroom economy and have LOVED it...and the kids LOVE it too. However, there is no way I can manage that with so many students.


There are certificates and raffle tickets in one! I made 14 different types of certificates:
*Orderly Organizer
*Nifty Notebook
*Reading Achievement
*Math Achievement
*Science Achievement
*Social Studies Achievement
*Outstanding Behavior
*Excellent Effort
*Compassionate Comrade
*Proud Participant
*Super Scorer
*Incredible Improvement
*Wondrous Writer
*Awesome Attendance
     I tried to use as much alliteration as I could :)
They come in color and in black & white. 
Also included in the pack is a checklist to help keep track of who gets what certificate. What is NOT included are the prizes once you pick the raffle tickets.

For the next 24 hours this pack is on sale for half off if you are interested in getting it!

You can visit my TpT shop or my TN shop to pick it up :)

I'd love to hear what you think about this or if you have another idea for an award you'd like to see in  the pack :)