I've joined a bunch a fabulous bloggers for an opportunity to win a $100 TpT gift card! Perfect for your back to school purchases...or clip art...or that unit you've been holding off on buying...the list can go on and on!!
Good luck friends! 🤞🤞
Prize: $100 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Giveaway Organized by: Kelly Malloy (An Apple for the Teacher)
Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, The Fun Factory, 180 Days of Reading, Kelly McCown, It's a Teacher Thing, Mickey's Place, LIVIN' IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER, A Plus Kids, Sandra Naufal, TeachingLife, The Chocolate Teacher, Star Kids, Paula's Primary Classroom, Ms. K, Roots and Wings, Mrs Wenning's Classroom, Kamp Kindergarten, Samson's Shoppe, The Monkey Market, Jackie Crews, TheBeezyTeacher, Prisci lla Woodard - Tasked 2 Teach, Kathryn Watts, AR Tech Star - Eva Griffin, Pint Size Learners, and The Froggy Factory.
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 7/13/19 and is open worldwide.
Are you a Teacher Blogger or Teachers pay Teachers seller who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your store and social media? Click here to find out how you can join our totally awesome group of bloggers!