Currently, in social studies and reading, I'm covering the changes that took place in the colonies right before the American Revolution. In writing, we're in the beginning phases of persuasive writing. I have one period a week to teach straight social studies (the other texts and lessons are through reader's workshop)--meaning I don't have to take conference notes (...yet!!) and I can work on projects with the students. :)
My school
I looked through my library and what did I find...
a perfect fit for the textbook!!
There were 6 people I wanted to cover (which was only the first few pages of the book--another bonus!!) I needed an organizer for it, so I used a flippable from 4mulaFun!

I read a little bit in the book, stopped and had the students think about the most important ideas we were learning about the person, then we jotted the notes in the organizer. There was a lot of discussion about each person and more content knowledge was gained through this focused conversation!
To link this project with our new unit of study, I had the students answer this prompt:
They drafted in their notebooks and I had them publish. Here are some student examples ( I have to say that the majority of my class chose John Peter Zenger!)
Here is how I planned for this:
How do you make social studies fun? Do you create projects or are you limited to the textbook? I'd love to know about it :)